NEW YORK (March 14, 2025) тАФ The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) welcomes the decision of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) ruling that Iranian rapper Toomaj SalehiтАЩs two arrests and more than 753 days of detention were arbitrary and in violation of international law. HRF, Doughty Street Chambers, and Index on Censorship submitted the petition on behalf of Salehi in July 2024. The UNWGAD called on the Iranian regime to provide Salehi with compensation and other reparations in accordance with international law.
тАЬThis decision is not just a victory for Toomaj but for all prisoners of conscience in Iran. His case exemplifies the Iranian regimeтАЩs intolerance of any criticism, even in the form of art,тАЭ HRF Legal & Program Officer Claudia Bennett said. тАЬThis decision highlights the alarming reality that a simple song can lead to an absurd charge like тАШcorruption on earthтАЩ in Iran, a crime punishable by death. With this decision, the Iranian regime must understand that if it continues to deprive Iranian citizens of their most basic rights and freedoms, the international community will hold it accountable.тАЭ
Following the 2022 murder of Mahsa Amini for тАЬimproperly wearing a hijab,тАЭ Salehi released a song titled тАЬDivination,тАЭ which included the lyrics, тАЬSomeoneтАЩs crime was that her hair was flowing in the wind. SomeoneтАЩs crime is that he or she was brave andтАж outspoken.тАЭ Shortly after, he was arrested and charged with eight crimes. In November 2023, IranтАЩs Supreme Court overturned the charges, and he was released after spending 386 days in detention тАФ 252 of them in solitary confinement. However, just 12 days later, he was rearrested after posting a video describing the torture he endured while in custody.
In April 2024, he was once again charged with тАЬcorruption on earth,тАЭ and Branch 1 of the Isfahan Revolutionary Court sentenced him to death. IranтАЩs Supreme Court later overturned that sentence, and he was released in December.
Salehi continues to face harassment. Officials have attempted to enter his home, he is under constant surveillance, and his family members have been intimidated.
In their decision, the UNWGAD found there was a clear pattern of discrimination against Salehi based on his political opinions and artistic expression. тАЬUltimately, the song, social media posts, and video were forms of SalehiтАЩs exercise of his freedom of expression,тАЭ the opinion stated, concluding that he was persecuted primarily for these actions. The UNWGAD also criticized the vague and overly broad тАЬcorruption on earthтАЭ charge, emphasizing that none of SalehiтАЩs alleged crimes fell under its scope.
Additionally, the UNWGAD found that Salehi was denied a fair trial, was not tried by an independent or public court, and had limited access to legal representation. Even when he was able to contact his attorney, the calls were monitored, violating attorney-client confidentiality. The opinion also expressed its grave concern over SalehiтАЩs torture and brief enforced disappearance, particularly the use of torture to extract a confession.
HRF urges the international community to hold the Iranian regime accountable and to stand in solidarity with Toomaj Salehi and all prisoners of conscience.
Supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.
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