HRF MicroGrants
HRF’s MicroGrants program has supported over 90 projects in more than 30 countries. Over the past year, the program funded 19 projects across 14 countries. The projects have ranged from exposing systematic repression in Venezuela to providing virtual education for Afghan girls to amplifying the stories of imprisoned Tajik journalists.
Who We Fund
Grants for activists challenging authoritarian regimes
Activists on the front lines receive funding for their projects.
Fostering connections within the activist community
Activists find strength and solidarity in our community, building valuable connections.
Creating activist collaborations
Collaborative projects help build movements and spark new initiatives.
Giving activists a platform
Activists’ voices reach policymakers, journalists, and the public, driving change on a larger scale.
Our Impact
Free Russia Foundation has used HRF’s funds to conduct international advocacy work in the EU and US — to make sure that Vladimir Kara-Murza and the hundreds of wrongfully imprisoned in Russia are not forgotten and forsaken by the world, that their cases continue to be raised during all engagements with Putin’s government and at all political fora addressing Russia, that politicians continue searching for mechanisms to bring about their freedom. The release of Kara-Murza and 25 others in August 2024 is a testament to this grant’s importance.
Natalia Arno
President - Free Russia Foundation
The Center for Strategic Litigation leveraged HRF funds for building the field of social justice activism through the East Africa Emerging Public Interest Advocates Program. The funds were deployed to convene a cadre of East Africa’s most promising human rights lawyers for learning and exchange and to build solidarity among them through a week-long series of seminars following a year-long fellowship. The 11 advocacy campaigns and 8 public interest cases filed among the lawyers testify to the significant investment made through the Program.
Deus Valentine
Chief Executive Officer - Centre for Strategic Litigation
Thanks to HRF’s grant, we were able to optimize the Helicoide VR experience. Our work was featured at OFF, and the improvement has had a positive impact on raising awareness and enhancing the activism related to the torture centers in Venezuela. By allowing the users to experience the conditions of torture in a virtual environment, we have raised awareness and mobilized civil society to take action to promote justice and the protection of human rights.
Víctor Navarro
Executive Director - Voces de la Memoria
With HRF funds, Beit El Baraka has supported 542 internally displaced individuals in five shelters across Beirut and Mount Lebanon, providing 4,878 meals in October 2024 alone. Collaborating with local municipalities, we ensured daily nourishment, including hot meals for those without kitchen access. HRF funds also helped provide 75 individuals with mattresses, addressing urgent shelter needs. This critical support has been vital in ensuring food security and dignity for those forced to flee their homes.
Mira Kocache
Grants & Fundraising Manager - Beit El Baraka USA
The financial support from HRF made it possible for members of the Hong Kong diaspora in Europe to meet in person, discuss, and reach a consensus. A monumental outcome of this gathering was the establishment of the European Hong Kong Diaspora Alliance (EHKDA). Now, with a united voice, the Hong Kong diaspora advocates more effectively at the EU level for the interests of Hongkongers residing in Europe and beyond.
Ray Wong